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Family Support 360

Family Support 360 allows children and adults with disabilities to stay in their homes by helping them receive funding for special services, adaptive equipment and supports not otherwise available. Each person receiving Family Support 360 chooses a Family Support Coordinator to help navigate state funded services, resources and disability rights. There are eligibility requirements for this program, which are set by the Department of Social Services. 

Creating More Opportunities for Support in South Dakota

In addition to our traditional services, LifeQuest extends support to people with disabilities in eastern and central South Dakota through our Shared Living and Family Support Services. Both of these services help people with disabilities live in and contribute to their communities. 


Family Support Services are offered through local or regional programs in eastern and central South Dakota. 

Services and support include but are not limited to: 

•  Service coordination for community resources 

•  Referral services 

•  Companion care 

•  Specialized medical equipment 

•  Adaptive equipment 

•  Respite care 

•  Home modifications for accessibility 

•  Vehicle modifications 

•  Personal care assistance 

•  Supported employment 

•  Nutritional supplements 

“We started Shared Living in 2019. This is a forward-focused program that continues to grow, and it’s something I am very passionate about. Because of this program, we are able to help more people receive services in their own homes and communities, with the combined support of LifeQuest and their families and friends.” 

Jessica Lang  |  Program Director




 804 North Mentzer 

Mitchell, SD 57301 


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